The Walthall County School District Special Services Department is responsible for all student educational needs relating to the areas of Special Education, Section 504, and Gifted Education.
Special Education services are offered to eligible children/students ages 3-21. The goal of the special education department is to provide students with a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in their least restrictive environment (LRE).
Section 504 plans are offered to eligible students.
Gifted Education, Project Challenge, is offered to eligible students in grades 2-6. Referrals can be made by teachers, parents, or students.
Kimberly Brumfield
Email: kbrumfield@wcsd.k12.ms.us
Phone: 601-876-6000
Fax: 601-876-3084
Walthall County School District
Special Services
807 Ball Avenue
Tylertown, MS 39667
Joy Stringer, Case Manager
Sherry Key, Secretary
Kenny Peavey, Psychometrist
Leah Foxworth, Speech Pathologist
Beverly Masino, Speech Pathologist
Shannia Dozier, Speech Therapist
Mississippi Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Performance Determination Report - 2019
Gifted Mission, Goals and Assessment